Interview Do’s and Don’ts
“The secret of managing is to keep the guys who hate you away from the guys who are undecided.”
— Casey Stengel
√ Dressing appropriately for the interview on the side of being conservative helps to show you take the interview seriously.
√ Reaching 10 minutes prior to the start time helps. For that know the exact time and location of your interview; know how long it takes to get there, and then find a rest room to freshen up, etc.
√ While greeting your interviewer, make eye contact and offer a firm handshake
√ Be prepared to correctly gather and understand your interviewer’s name and the correct pronunciation.
√ Instead of looking here and there or down, it is a good idea to maintain good eye contact with all the interviewers during the interview.
√ Avoid fidgeting and slouching; sit firmly in your seat.
√ Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question.
√ Be specific and to the point while answering a question and be confident in your response.
√ Be sincere with your interest in the job opportunity and the company.
√ Just in the manner you greeted, confidently offer a firm handshake and make eye contact when the interviewer concludes the interview.
√ After the interview, make notes right away so you don’t forget critical details.
Interview DON’Ts
x Don’t make excuses for your decisions and your actions.
xDon’t badmouth about your previous employers or bosses.
x Don’t be too casual about the interview as it might appear insulting to the interviewer. Remember the body language and attitude are also important.
x Don’t give the impression that you are only interested in an organization because of its geographic location.
x Don’t bring the topic of salary until it is brought up by your interviewer.
x Don’t act too desperate as if you would take any job.
x Don’t exhibit frustrations or a negative attitude in an interview.
x Don’t go to extremes with your posture; don’t slouch, and don’t sit rigidly on the edge of your chair.
x Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke.
x Don’t allow your cell phone to sound during the interview. (If it does, apologize quickly and ignore it.) Don’t take a cell phone call. Don’t look at a text message.